There is a discussion of the problem here-which is of greathelp, but it only refers to installing from the DVD edition. On olderMacs you can get round the problem by installing Classic, butthat’s a poor work-around, and wouldn’t help on the new Intel Macs,which don’t have Classic at all. So theinstaller only works in OS 9, meaning that if you don’t haveClassic installed on your Mac, you can’t play the game. There is no Mac OS X installer for MystIII: Exile, although there is an updated application. Last test on Leopard was10.5.4.ġ: IntroductionAlex asked me if this was possible, and the answer is ‘Yes’. It's better than dual processors used to bethough… but far from ideal. UPDATE 3 September 2009: Installed on Snow Leopard 10.6.0.While everything seems to run smoothly enough, I can't find anoption in TinkerTool System to use a single processor, meaning thatsound stutters a bit. The most popular version of the program is 1.0. This free software for Mac OS X is a product of Cyan Worlds Inc. Myst Online 1.0 for Mac is free to download from our software library. The game world offers an alien environment where you as a human gets dropped in a.